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·革命胜地——贵州遵义  ·每周影人:山东摄影家房德刚  ·新疆天山牧场  ·海南酒店一天差价8000元 节中节后价格相差悬殊  ·优秀影人:贵州摄影家——杨荣  ·内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原风光  ·山东日照海上旅游观光“抱团”建城市“特色名片”  ·中国著名藏传佛教寺院——甘肃拉卜楞寺  ·优秀影人:云南摄影家胡毅  ·优秀影人:宁夏摄影家李学东  ·“千年古刹”——福建厦门南普陀寺  ·“每周影人”——新疆摄影家赵翔  ·辽宁大连自然博物馆[高清图片]  ·甘肃河西走廊风光  ·优秀影人:江苏摄影家丁卫   ·革命胜地——贵州遵义  ·每周影人:山东摄影家房德刚  ·新疆天山牧场  ·海南酒店一天差价8000元 节中节后价格相差悬殊  ·优秀影人:贵州摄影家——杨荣  ·内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原风光  ·山东日照海上旅游观光“抱团”建城市“特色名片”  ·中国著名藏传佛教寺院——甘肃拉卜楞寺  ·优秀影人:云南摄影家胡毅  ·优秀影人:宁夏摄影家李学东  ·“千年古刹”——福建厦门南普陀寺  ·“每周影人”——新疆摄影家赵翔  ·辽宁大连自然博物馆[高清图片]  ·甘肃河西走廊风光  ·优秀影人:江苏摄影家丁卫  




The Art of beginners, in this kind of work painted or drawn from common materials of modern urban life, terms like abstract and figurative begin to lose their meanings.
These rookie younger’s works are more extend...

Some form of temporality and reference to human presence through process of saw-blade cuts or shapes and performance as washed ashore drift-wood – or throw away, is rarely absent from these ready-mades found on shore ti...

The boundary fence line around reconstruction of central city square, painted by unknown artists. Related interests in breaking the bounds of conventional graffiti and street art its status as non – idealized, worked ph...

The term minimalism has been applied to this collection on surf photography. There are problems with labels such as minimal surf, Means less and at best frustratingly misleading term. Minimal photo-art was the label that...

Hinges on the idea that photography possessed singular essential art, clothcourt-nature deemed to characterize the medium while images attempt to imitate paintings.
Photo works of this kind is preoccupied with issu...


  同很多历史悠久的文明古国一样,谁也不清楚斯里兰卡遥远的过去。民间传说,斯里兰卡的祖先来自古印度,是王子的女儿被狮子掳后产下的后代,古称斯里兰卡为 “悉诃罗底巴”,意思是“狮族之岛”。当年祖先们漂洋过海,登岛之日正...

Photographs of this type – found their place in the unstable and shifting ground between web mass-culture and the critical attention of writers. The works cease to play an important role in avant-garde’s gallery cultur...

Part of their power lies in their absolutely convincing realism. These images housed shipside, still there’s always the comforting realization after the initial surprise of tidy stacked ropes subsides – given storm hig...

Elected 2008 with huge popular support.
In this collection of pure chance photographic compositions about the Premier at race track. PM demonstrates why so popular, common public relations toward unknown child with ...

Birds:Motuihe Island rings to sound of Bell-birds – Saddle-backs Kokako Kiwi – Oyster Catchers – fantail, most being rare NZ birds native and reintroductions on the island. Native forest restoration with intensive wee...

Study of lofty structure tower spire surmounted and clothed in scaffolding above church roof.
Here sought not to deflate pretensions of high art, but we call this mass-produce art object that could be appreciated a...


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